Tuesday, 15 November 2016

MACPCGAMERZ Review How to Get All Steam Games for Free

Hey what is up guys This is MACPCGAMERZ, a BLOGGER. I am going to show you how to get all the games on Steam for free.It's a pretty big secret. I don't think Valve wants you to know what I am going to show you how to know [do it]. It's pretty, pretty easybAnd it works on any operating system But I'm using Windows 10 But it shouldn't really matter. All we're going to do is basically use a hidden Steam 'console'.That you probably don't know about. We can kinda see here This is the Steam 'console'. I bet you probably don't have this unless you enable it. So that's what we're going to do; we're going to show you how to enable this And then we can get free games using special commands.So let me show you how to get this free 'console' first. So, the first thing you need to do is exit Steam And then you need to find the install folder where you installed Steam.

So it's probably going to be: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam" folder And all you have to do is right-click this [Steam.exe] And we need to make a shortcut, okay? So we're going to hit "Send to" "Desktop (create shortcut)" Okay, so have to create the shortcut Now, next thing we need to do. we just rename this [Steam.exe shortcut] so we know what it is "Steam with 'console'".

So now we'll know what it is. And what you need to do is right-click this [Steam With 'Console'] and go to "Properties" And here it says: "Target" All you need to do is add this at the end of it: "space" "dash" "console".

 I don't know if it's supposed to be lower-case, it doesn't really matter. And then, when you launch Steam. It will show up with the 'console' in there And let me show you after it connects So now it says "'Console'" You can test this out yourself, it will show up And then, now you have the 'console' So now that you have the 'console', you have to type some special Steam commands And we'll do some other computer commands But, I'll walk you through it, it's not that difficult First you need to tell Steam what games you want. Which is obviously all of them.

So what you need to do is go to the 'console', the one you just opened up And we want to type in "app" "underscore" "mark" "underscore" "validation" "space" and then type "All" So that's going to make it so it marks all Steam games to be validated. And that way, all Steam games will be added to your account Now it's not going to do it right away, we're just telling it which games we want to do. So we need to do a little bit more before they actually work So, the next thing we need to do is make sure we have Steam's official security certificate set up Or else it's not going to activate all the games on the computer The Steam program won't activate them. So what you want to do is open up the "Task Manager" And you can press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC And you want to right-click: "Steam Client Bootstrapper" It might not be right at the top for you But, you just do that--click "Steam Client Bootstrapper" --and then you can close the Task Manager And what you need to do is go to "Digital Signatures" And this is where you will find the one from Valve. And you click: "Details" And then you click: "View Certificate" And then you can click: "Install Certificate" So this takes the certificate and installs it locally, so we can use it all the time. So you--(mumbles)--keep clicking yes, and then it says: "The import was successful" So now the certificate can be used to confirm all of the games And without it, Steam will try to install the games but they wouldn't be validated, because you don't actually own them. But with the certificate, the games will actually work. Now keep in mind: If you go to play the games on another computer--it's tied to the computer-- you would need to do that again Just install the certificate because it's unique to the computer But, it should still save everything to your account. So it will still work, but the games won't be installed to your account But it basically is the same thing So, now that we did that So now that we've done that, we need to move on to the final step, and actually get the games. Just get the games, it's the best part, it's what we're doing the video for, duh So, what we need to do, we actually need to restart Steam one more time So we've marked them all for validation And we installed the certificate, so we want to restart Steam again using the "Steam with 'Console'" And we wait for that to start back up And now, it will open up after certificate, it'll load the certificate, it will all be good And what we can do is type the final command to get the free games, of course! We want to get the free games. So what you want to do is go to the console, and you want to type in this special command: (saying what's being typed) "app" "underscore" "start" "underscore" "validation" And then--this is basically going to actually start to validate the thing [games] So what you want to do is press "Enter" And then you'll see this pop-up come up And look! It says: "Valve Corporation Developer Validation Options" So this is going to let us start the process to actually get the games! The best part. So now, what you want to do--there's three different developer validation options The first one is "Steam Games," that's the one we want to do And there is also "Software," [be]cause Steam also has software, and we don't really care about that And "Drivers" are always free, that's like if you want to update your graphics drivers. So we want to click "1" And then, for "Steam Games Marked," look: it says "all" Remember when we selected "All" in the first step? So it does that, and we can click "Yes" Now it's going to start adding all the games, and start validating the games So look, it's going one-by-one, and every time, it's going to add a game on to the computer. So this is pretty cool, and you can notice that this might take a while But, there's ten thousand games on Steam, so, of course, it might take a while. But, you know, let me show you what happens So if--right now you can see my Steam library, I don't really have that many games I kinda have some, but there's not that many. And right now, it's starting to add them. So, let me show you them all come up So what you want to do is exit Steam And we can just go and--after we do that and we can restart it again And it will come up, and we will see even more games on the account now! And look now--look how many games I have! Way more than before! And look, it says: "Locally Validated System's Games" You'll notice it's not technically tied to the account But you can still get achievements, you can still play multiplayer, it's just installed under the local computer So that's why I said: If you want to play it on a different computer, you can still do that, you just got to do the certificate, you just got to do the commands again Because the installations are tied to the computer, but you can still get achievements, you can still have all the settings tied [to the] account So it's basically like you own the game But they have to be installed individually That's why they show up under here ["Locally Validated System's Games"] But look how many--already--and if I refresh again, there will be even more! Look how many games there are, there's tons of them now And I had barely any of these before I don't know what order it goes in, but there's obviously a ton of new games. So now I can just basically play any game I want I can install it [like] normal, and install the game, and play it I already have some of them, I guess they are already installed But, we're all set! Now, one thing to know: Is if new games come out, then you probably need to do this again Because look: It's only going to download and validate the current games in the Steam store It's not going to know to do it every time So, if there's a new game that comes out, you're going to have to keep doing this But, it should only do it for the ones you don't have, so you don't have to wait this whole time So, in a couple hours--that's probably how long you should have to wait, and it's totally worth it You get all the Steam games, so it doesn't even take that long So that's all you have to do And I don't know how long this is going to work for Even if Valve patches it, though, I bet you'll be able to keep the ones you still have I don't think they can take them back But, you might want to do this quick, because I don't know if this is going to work forever, probably not. But, I mean, you still get to keep the ones you already have, because it's not like they can take them off the computer And it's tied to the computer, not the account, so it's not like you're going to get banned or anything It will work for any account you already have on the computer, so it will work for anything And look, I can show you something else cool If you change this ["Target"], instead of 'console,' if you put 'developer,' it kinda does the same thing, but let me show you what it does It does a few more things that I think are pretty cool, I think you would like them. Let me wait for this [Steam] to pop-up... And then--so look--it says the 'console' is still there, but you have a few other options So--for example--if you press F6, it pops up this weird window I don't really know what it does, I think it's if you want to make some skins or something for Steam And you can click on things And it tells you about them I don't really know what it's doing But, it's still kinda cool, it shows you the layout of Steam You can just click all over the place So I guess if you want to make a custom skin or something And then, also If you press F7,

it brings up this weird window I don't know what this is But then, I guess it's like--also so if you want to make a skin, some weird windows Some weird secret commands I don't even know what this is But, I guess maybe some of you can figure it out; I don't know what any of these buttons do, or anything See, you can try that out And then finally, if you press F8, it brings up this test achievement The "Tartan Spartan," not sure what that means And it's "2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7" So, I don't think it actually gives you an achievement It just shows a test So that's kinda cool So that's it, that's some other cool stuff I don't know if there's any other commands besides that, I'm sure there are; maybe you guys can figure it out I just thought you'd find that kinda cool These weird text boxes, and commands, maybe you can figure out more stuff to do, unless no one comments And that's all you have to do, and you have all the free Steam games, every single one on Steam And they'll just keep validating, and keep being added you your account And then you're all set You don't even have to buy the games anymore, you just get them all for free.

 So, that's how you get all the Steam games on Steam for free Hope you guys enjoyed this video, be sure to like the video, if you did like it, let us know what favorite games you're going to play, if you want to see some other tutorials on the Internet, those can be on the right-hand side you can click them or look in the description, like if you're on a phone, it's the same link. I hope you guys stick around, I want to hear from you, what you guys think, did it work for you?

Let us know. Thanks for reading guys, I'll see you next time, have a good one.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Gamers Review for Pro Evolution Soccer 2017

Hey, everyone, I'm standing in for freelancer viewer pro evolution soccer 2017 has arrived and the right news is that it is a genuine step forward for the series yes there are signs here that Perez rivalry with FIFA has led to an unnecessary overextension features and modes but the core of PES 2017 the soccer it plays is competitive once again welcome to all we will be on the way very shortly once the pleasantries are complete the improvements this year are a mixture of the specific and the general goalkeepers are a good example of the former offering more realistic defense against corners and saleable shots and a dynamic set of new animations that helped give PES the kind of authenticity the series often lacked.

 there are also big improvements to ball control turning and the time it takes for players to recover after physical contact, these add up to a sharper more agile game and collectively contribute to the otherwise hard to pin down feeling that PES 2017 has approved all over more specifically this year the skill of the dribbling action comes into its own has a pretty deep set of skills buried in its control system but it's intricate to the point that learning more than one or two showpieces are beyond most players in Paris 2017 the tight control dribbling activated offers a rough equivalent to FIFA's skill system an accessible way to trick defenders open up space and create unexpected angles one more particularly a prominent element of PES improvements this year is the fluidity of attacking play through balls and crosses have a high success rate and always feel dangerous crosses to feel more user-friendly wonderful, great faith dramatic aesthetically pleasing arcs can be produced on the run from deep outside the box or under pressure from opposing players making flowing edge-of-the-seat matches not just possible but come if playing with the ball is taken a stride forward defending this year is more of a qualified success one-on-one defending out.

why is fine but in congested misfields as the ball approaches the box defending can become clumsy and haphazard yeah controlled teammates sometimes double up on the opposing player with the ball ignoring simple interceptions during scrambles for possession or simply getting in each other's way if the joint intensity of attacking in this year's game is excellent the defending struggles to keep up and away from its core gameplay has 17 struggles in recent years the value of real names grounds and the rest is higher than ever this is a thing peculiar to our age a time of intense media management brand partnerships and a constant stream of social media interaction soccer is everywhere all the time and a sniff of inauthentic means death in the slick transaction between sport and consumer yes it's possible to download and tinker with option files to improve the in-game presentation and yes the master league still the game's best mode is like a refuge from the brand assault of modern soccer and escaped into an unlicensed parallel world but PES Seventeen's focus isn't on master league it's on my club the ultimate team style squad builder that is in base terms like master league but with microtransactions unfortunately, PES licensing shortfalls make my club a difficult sell even with improvements on last year's presentation including a concise introductory tutorial and clearly laid out panel menus there's a hollowness to the mode that leaves it feeling like an off-brand an alternative not helping in this regard as peasants continued inconsistency online the ultimate goal of my club is to take your team of gleaming stars and pit them against online opposition either in one off game or the mini-league divisions mode but online play suffers from severe connectivity issues wait times for opponents are lengthy and most games I played suffer from a latency that left a full half second between me pressing a button and my player releasing a password shot.
mostly unplayable in a game built on anticipation and timing, i had a good connection roughly the same number of times I was disconnected entirely heavy lag was the standard all of which leaves has 17 feeling like a superbly talented team of footballers planning on a terrible uneven pitch if your football game of choice complements your love of the real world sport or you're interested in testing yourself against online all commerce consider yourself warrant you're unlikely to play online and don't mind tinkering for an hour or so to get your league's looking the unofficially official says once more serious contender.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016


 hey everybody hi Mickey, oh and hey mickey guess what deep do you remember when you said that cow in Steamboat Willie I was so awesome Mickey .
Tonight can I hug you Mickey oh gosh thanks.you might think given my tendency for snark that I'm making funI'mm teasing the kids who get excited about meeting some guy in a costume but I wasn't always so jaded in fact that was a word-for-word recreation of my reaction to meeting Mickey in this game I talked to him out loud I jumped at the chance to give him a high five in fact TJ even came into the room just to see what the hell I was doing and

I'm pretty sure he was prepared to laugh at me he ended up watching smiling and talking about disneyland with me instead you'll be a pro with that camera no time that's one for the album that's how special this game is it can turn a couple of guys in their late twenties in two kids again it took TJ back to disneyland it took me back to watching Ichabod and mr. toad with my sister though it's for a younger audience than the dance Central's and the gun stringers.

 it stands with them as one of the best kinect games to date yeah on tight now this window whoa your ear flesh yeah kinect disneyland adventures is above all else appropriately titled this game is a massive interactive recreation of disneyland and in it. you have adventures but the thing that's most impressive is just how accurate this virtual Disneyland is rides are exactly where they should be here the same music you do walking around the park even the slightest details were added and the results are fantastic simply walking down Main Street USA is enough to blow you away. unfortunately, much of the game is designed around that very premise you're a child visiting the park and as you meet Disney characters you end up taking odd jobs and helping them with certain tasks early on.

Mickey ask you to get pictures with his friends so we can finish a scrapbook later you have to find Donald's hat which he understandably lost on the Matterhorn damn you and put them with a free man pre-planned there is a massive amount of stuff to do and it seems like you can interact with almost everything you see the park just feels real and connect helps bring it to life of course, it wouldn't be disneyland if there weren't rides and so the game abides kinect.

disneyland adventures turn rides like the Matterhorn and space mountain into little mini games but actually this is the weakest part of the game the minigames are two basic to really enjoy and controlling them with lukey motion doesn't really help Wow another problem is these rides take you out of the park and the park itself is the attraction kinect disneyland adventures is most magical when you're just wandering through the park bumping into your favorite characters and interacting with them.
 I'm area it's a very nice to meet such a nice young gentleman isn't it amazing here oh there's so many things we don't have under the sea - do you think you could help me find some single hoppers oh don't don't worry Ariel I I'll get you a dinglehopper oh sorry sorry this is a visit family game it's just you know I've actually come to appreciate aerial even more as I've gotten older but in truth I can say that about a lot of Disney stuff I am a huge Disney nerd and obviously being one is a prerequisite to enjoying this game.
 if you are a Disney fan or a parent looking for a great Kinect game for your kids you won't find a better one than Kinect Disneyland adventures so Ariel what do you say you and I go get a little ginger active behind space mountain but I like you I like you too war is quiet here with the rain any.

QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP for PlayStation 2 Video Game Review

Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup from Electronic Arts for the PlayStation 2. Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup is based on quidditch, the popular game from the Harry Potter books and movies. Two teams fly on their broomsticks and pass a ball, like aerial soccer. The objective is to toss that ball through one of three rings. That gives you ten points, but really, you can win without ever doing so. If your team's seeker catches this crazy golden thing, you're awarded, like, a million points and pretty much automatically win. Kind of makes the rest of the sport seem irrelevant, but hey, who are we muggles to criticize? We play soccer! This video review features video gameplay footage of Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup for the PlayStation 2 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

get your Nimbus 2000 shine up the Quaffle tell Miss Granger to meet me in the chamber of secrets hashtag Emma should date Derek it's harry potter quidditch world cup sorry professor snape but that Hermione and I won't be making it to the match released in $MONTH 2003.

 harry potter quidditch world cup is based on the popular game from the Harry Potter books and movies that being quidditch two teams flying their broomsticks and pass the ball around like a kind of aerial soccer the objective is toss that ball through one of three rings that give you ten points but I really you can win without ever doing so your team seeker catches this crazy golden thing you're-awarded like a million points and you pretty much automatically win very special Quidditch World Cup totally captures the spirit of the movies and the electric atmosphere of their on-screen quidditch games for harry potter fans in particular, it's easy to appreciate the detail here and although the game does feel a bit dated it's still aged really well PA did a fantastic job they simplified this bizarre and somewhat complex imaginary sports into far more manageable pieces to play primarily as a chaser or an offensive player and you basically fly all over the place trying to get the ball and toss it through the Rings now when you call for it. you can also control a beater.
 basically a defenseman who tosses another ball at the other teams players to knock them down kind of like a little dodgeball and once you've launched that ball he go back to controlling the chaser and then game plays out back and forth until the snitch that crazy gold thing is finally released and that's when Quidditch World Cup turns into a kind of racing game you control your team seeker and try to stay on the path of the snitch until you're within reaching distance once you grab the snitch the game is over and they usually you win so EA split things up nicely and they paired that approach with really simple controls movement is handled with the left analog stick passing and shooting with the circle and the ex it's very basic very user-friendly layers there's really not much depth to the gameplay but it compensates for that in terms of content Quidditch World Cup is a great pseudo sports game it's not very hard but given its intended audience that makes sense in any way it's addictive arcade sports charm makes up for that as well if you're into harry potter or pretend sports Quidditch World Cup still a ps2 game or phone.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Review for Gamers of Pokemon Go: Awful or Awesome?

Pokémon Go is one the fascinating games in recent memory. Not because it’s a well-made game, but because of the instantaneous effect, it’s had on pop culture!

Pokémon GO is one of the fascinating games in recent memory. Not because it's this amazingly well-made game, because it isn't! In fact, it's one of the buggiest, most vapid things I've played all year. No, Pokémon GO is captivating because of the instantaneous effect it's had on popular culture ...and Nintendo's market value, for that matter. At the time of this writing, this is a game that has overtaken Tinder, Twitter, and Snapchat in concurrent users in the USA, and is the number one most popular U.S. mobile game to date. Naturally, the game is also the focus of fear-mongering clickbait nonsense by traditional media and social media alike, with people, unfortunately, falling for hoaxes of players getting killed over deleted savegames and ISIS causing server outages and aliens abducting people because of it. You know all sorts of crap. And yet, for every hyperbole-ridden falsehood online, there are just as many amazing truthful stories surrounding Pokémon GO. And it's this stuff that convinced me to dive into the world of Pokémon for the first time. Yeah, that's right. Until now, I've never played a Pokémon game.

I don't know the lore, I've never watched the shows and I had next to zero interest in addressing that. At least until now, when this free-to-play game showed up Android and iOS and just took the world by storm to such a degree that I couldn't ignore it And you know, I've just never had any interest in it until now, and I think that says a lot about the effects this game is having on people. First things first:

Pokémon GO is an augmented-reality game, as opposed to virtual reality, which is the replacement for the audio-visual stimulus of real life. Augmented reality, or AR, seeks to combine portions of the real world and the virtual world in a way that sounds cooler than it actually is. In the case of Pokémon GO, this means that you physically "go" throughout the real world looking for Pokémon to collect, using a GPS-enabled mobile device. When a critter you crave is close by, you can tap on it and enter a capturing mode. This can either take place in a virtual environment or an augmented version of the world around you by using your mobile device's front-mounted camera. There's a modicum of skill involved, but it's just you throwing balls at their face until they succumb to your desires, and there you go. The AR mode for capturing monsters is a pretty neat gimmick at first, and it makes for some fun screenshot fodder to share online when you quote-unquote "find" Pokémon in unusual places. But the novelty wears off fast. Not only that, but it makes it harder to catch them, since you have to hold the camera in just the right spot. And it also sucks battery life like crazy. And the game is already bad enough with the battery murdering, since you have to have it open in the foreground with the screen turned on for it to do its thing. I can only guess how much this game has boosted the sales of portable battery chargers. But yeah, once you have some Pokémon in your possession, you can rename them, level them up, or evolve them if you have the resources, or send them away in exchange for some useful virtual candy. The idea is to horde as many as possible, I guess, or at least train the ones you do have up to a level that makes them suitable for battle. Scattered around the real world are battle locations known as gyms, and just like the rest of the game, you have to physically travel there To make use of it. Once you've pledged allegiance to one of three teams at Level 5, you can go to a gym and challenge any number of players from opposing teams. Sounds pretty fun, but right now at least, this battle system is awful! You're not fighting the other person directly, it's just a simple tap-and-swipe thing where you were basically beating up an automated version of their choice Pokémon.

Now that's a minor complaint, though, compared to the worse stuff, which is the controls are often unresponsive, it frequently bugs out, leaving just one hit point left, or freezes on the word "go" and you have to force-close the game. In fact, freezing, glitches and server issues plague the entirety of Pokémon GO at this point in time. Even after several patches, I'm getting constant freezing cryptic error messages and major input lag that make playing an absolute crapshoot. And don't even get me started on the microtransactions, which of course it relies on being a free-to-play game. These wouldn't be so bad if the rest of the game worked, since most of this stuff, you can simply find by going out explore the world. And I love the fact that there are no ads in sight, which is a rare thing in mobile gaming these days. But combined with the unpredictable servers and copious instability, spending money on this right now is ill-advised. Then again, it seems that isn't stopping anyone, so what do I know? The one thing that I found the most value in this game is the Pokéstops, which are like gyms are located at real-world locations. Once you arrive at one, you can spin this spinny thing and receive a handful of valuable rewards. You can also place "lures" here, which brings plenty of collectible Pokémon to the area, alongside resources for training them. And these lures are also active for anyone else nearby, so... if you place one in a busy part of town, you're gonna see all sorts of fellow players show up pretty fast. Many of these Pokéstops are proper landmarks, too.

 I found a few pretty sweet locations that I had no idea existed. But a lot of them seem like strange choices, with tons of churches, retail stores and weird objects by the side of the road. And yeah, I know it's because of that previous game that they put out and people chose these, but it's still weird that some of these were included in this one. In fact, this has led to some backlashes. Several memorials have been overwhelmed with people collecting Pokémon in places that some consider being inappropriate. Another problem is that if you live in a rural area, chances are you don't have any of these places close by, which makes progressing in the game difficult, unless you're willing to travel. Not only that but the Pokémon themselves seem to spawn more frequently in areas that are more heavily trafficked than others. So if you've got a city or a mall or a busy parking lot nearby, then great! You're probably going to have a pretty good time finding things to collect. But oddly enough, catching wild Pokémon "in the wild" just doesn't happen very much. I walked on a trail in a nearby national forest, and I found, like, two. Whereas, at a grocery store, I find dozens! Still, the possibilities of this kind of real-life tie-in with a video game world is utterly enthralling to me, especially combined with being mobile and having such a massive number of users. Local businesses are already taking advantage of these gyms and Pokéspots with discounts for players and planned special events. There are even Uber drivers and limo companies setting up Pokémon GO tours, because don't even think about playing this while driving. Seriously, don't be an idiot. But while all this is engaging to watch unfold from the perspective of business and stuff.

there's just not much reason for me to continue playing right now. Outside of claiming gyms for your team and tracking down rare Pokémon, there's simply not much to do. It's a novelty, a distraction, and a fascinating look at the potential future of AR gaming. But it's just not that good as a game yet, mostly due to the simplistic mechanics and the overwhelming number of bugs and server issues. It's got tons of potential, to be sure, and I'm really excited to see what happens in the future, but until they add things like trading with other players and proper PVP, and of course, make the game run with any kind of stability, Pokémon GO is a far more compelling thing for me to study then it is actually to play. And if you enjoyed this video on this thing, then perhaps you'd like some other videos on other things. I've got them, and more are coming in the future every Monday and Friday here on MACPCGAMERZ And if you liked what you saw, then please consider supporting me on Patreon because it's a thing. It helps these videos happen, let's you see them early, and all sorts of good stuff. And as always, thank you very much for reading in this reality and many others to come.

Gamerz Review of Disney's Aladdin Activity Center

These activity center programs for PCs and Macs were all over the place in the mid-90s. And because this is Aladdin, it is clearly the best one of the bunch.

When I reviewed Lego Island, I mentioned its passing resemblance to children's activity centers and apparently that woke some long dormant computer memories in some of you. While others had never seen it before and were curious! So let's dive into what I showed there: Disney's Aladdin Activity Center. Developed by Gryphon Software with assistance from several other studios and published by Disney in 1994 for Windows and Mac computers. This is the first in a series of at least twenty different Disney Activity Centers but since this one is based on Aladdin, it is the best by default. I love this movie unwaveringly. As for these activity centers themselves, they seemingly came pre-installed on every other computer I used in the mid-to-late nineties. As a kid, I thought they were pretty rad. Not like amazing or anything, but bad enough to click around when there was nothing else to do. Inside the box you get the program CD-ROM packed neatly into this colorful foldout sleeve. An information card from Disney that no one cares about but I feel compelled to point out since nobody cares about it. And a surprisingly involved instruction manual. For a program as simple as this one, it does not need a manual of this complexity, but I applaud the extra effort. Or rather, I applaud whoever was getting paid by the hour to create this and rightly milk those Disney paychecks for all they were worth. Once you install some endearingly unpredictable Quicktime and video for Windows software Aladdin Activity Center begins with a centrally inactive introduction. Highly copyrighted imagery and music abounds, followed by an imposter Genie that is clearly not Robin Williams.
Aladin's Activity Center

[Genie]: Okay, let's get acquainted!
[Genie]: If you see your name on the scroll, click on it!
[LGR]: No offense to Dan Castellaneta who is trying his best to impersonate Robin Williams as those are some unfillable shoes indeed. But it's a far cry from the performance in the movie. Yet what did I care, I was eight years old when this thing came out. It was Aladdin on my computer! That alone made this the most amazing thing around. Also amazing was this map that let you explore several locations based on scenes from the movie. The Agrabah marketplace, the Cave of Wonders, the royal palace and the sultan's movie theater. Is this further evidence that Aladdin isn't set in the past and is actually taking place in a post-apocalypse? I'm serious. There is a popular fan theory that states Aladdin takes place in a far distant future... which explains all the anachronisms in the movie referencing twentieth century culture.

The magic carpet actually being a leftover of futuristic hovering technology thing and... modern day street signs buried underneath the sands of a nuclear wasteland and... Okay. Anyway, got off track there. This theater lets you watch significant chunks of the movie which was pretty unprecedented at the time. [Sultan]: Jasmine! Jasmine! [LGR]: Anyway, let's start in the Agrabah marketplace, since I always liked those scenes in the movie and wanted to live there for some reason. From here you have access to the center's eleven activities. Each of which is represented by clickable background portions. And they mean it when they call these activities and not games since they're not really games as you would normally think about them. You get some art activities, a spelling challenge, a memory game, straight up mazes likeness matching, picture puzzles and assignment music mimicking thing. And no matter which location you choose each one of these activities are exactly the same, wherever you go. The only thing that differs is the overall aesthetic... with each activity taking on a look that fits in with the selected movie scene. That is some top-notch padding right there. But yeah. In the art center you get a coloring book that lets you draw and paint using virtual art supplies and your computer's mouse. And if you don't want to bother picking out colors yourself you can use the magic paint brush and just... fill in the proper colors automatically, like a psychedelic scratch-off card. There's also a paint-by-numbers section and good old connect the dots with a surprising amount of involvement by the Genie in the latter. He reads every single number aloud as you click on them. That's dedication.

[Genie]: ...twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight. Twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two...
[Count]: Yes! Ah ah ah. And at any point in time you can print out what you see on the screen... although with a monochrome printer, the results are less than stellar. The spelling challenge is precisely what it sounds like. Genie gives you a word and a visual and you have to spell it out by clicking on the letters in the correct order.

But don't worry about screwing up because you can't. The same goes with the memory game, the matching, the mazes, the whole thing. With every activity there is no way to lose and no penalty if you mess up. Nothing but praise and positive reinforcement anytime you do anything at all.

How delightfully nineties. [Genie]: How did you get so smart? ¡Fabuloso! [LGR]: About the only thing it does in terms of giving kids a reality check is making you feel bad for giving up. For instance, if you quit the music game, Abu just sinks down and gives you this incredibly sad look. Aw, no! Don't do that, Abu. I'm sorry. Same goes when you quit the game. Genie just starts bawling. [Genie]: Do you really have to go? [Genie]: Goodbye, master. Hurry back. Aw, man. I don't remember Aladdin Activity Center being so emotionally draining. Anyway, that's about all this is.

I mean this is it. It didn't keep me occupied for very long as a kid and it certainly doesn't now. About the most enjoyment I've ever gotten out of it is watching those highly compressed video clips from the movie. But I still kind of like this program if only because of the Aladdin connection. And being reminded of a time when children's activity centers were all the rage. They were just freakin' everywhere and it made sense because they were probably pretty easy to make and kids liked them because they knew what they were about, sort of. Makes a lot of sense that games like Lego Island would take from the same basic idea here of using a license as a base. And built a little interactive world for kids to explore around it. It's really not that big of a leap to go from clicking static backgrounds to open basic mini games... to going to a 3D world to open basic mini games. Same idea, works just as well either way. So I'm glad this existed. If only because it's sort of kind of led to somewhat nominally better things later on. (Sega Genesis version of Prince Ali plays) And if you enjoyed this episode of MACPCGAMERZ, then I'm glad! and if not, I will mope around like Abu and cry like Genie. Or at least you'll just imagine me doing that. I don't really... You know. Whatever. If you liked it. Good. Click these and see some more. And as always: Thank you very much for Reading Review.

Review for Gamerz Ghostbusters 2016 Game Review!

Activision has published a new Ghostbusters game to compliment the recent movie! Taking place after the events of the film, Ghostbusters introduces yet another group of four protagonists to save New York. Will Vic like this game more than the movie? Find out in his review!

man I didn't like that new Ghostbusters movie all that much but I did have a hope that I would dig the new Ghostbusters video game from Activision and wow this is a dog awful experience they really didn't deliver on what could have been a very fun simple video game here i think part of the main problem with my lack of enthusiasm for this is a bunch of them but the the sale price on this sucker is ridiculous this should be a ten-dollar game at most and what we're playing here this sort of top-down you know Diablo light it's a little bit like gauntlets a little bit like Smash TV type of experience this multiplayer game where there are four characters on screen the whole time and they're just shooting waves and waves of ghosts it's so simple it's so easy to kind of a conceived of.
 a boss ghost that takes a little bit more time to knock out but you knock out almost every single boss ghost whether they're mini bosses are sort of the bigger and level bosses with the same scenarios you just shoot them until their weekend enough that you can grab with the proton beam and then you rotate your right thumb stick and then you slam him down with the left trigger and ad infinitum you just do that over and over again and there are not that many levels in the game and the way that they have artificially lengthen the experiences that you have to actually reach reverse the levels over and over again so there's not that much you know Gloucester or visual sort of variety anyways it's not a great look in Game it's all over-head perspective to begin with and you have to see these things for way too long the only plus i would say about this game is that you can share this experience with other people and it's kind of mindless it's just like you know any kind of a gauntlet of experience but even gauntlet I at least had more interesting I you know sort of class types and you'll be sitting and playing the game on the same college but you feel like different characters in this game it's you know they're bigger characters are smaller characters they have shotguns they have machine guns but they all feel pretty much the same you do have the ability to power up the weapon types and power up your health and power up your speed pretty generic pretty straightforward and you can cycle between the characters only when you quit back out you can't as a single player jump between all of the characters which I think was a tremendous mistake so you if you're playing this alone which is very tedious it's gonna take a long time to power up each one of these characters to a level that makes it a little bit faster to get through I you know I was shocked i mean this should have been a much more enjoyable experience and it was it's utterly forgettable it's tedious it's not great-looking the sound ups in the comedy sort of gags that are written for the game won't make you laugh you know I know that there are unlockable skins for it Ghostbusters that we've seen on the screen but good luck having the patience to last that long to find those unlockables this game really turned me off I'm gonna give the new Ghostbusters game from Activision a 3.5 out of 10 who hey thanks for checking out that video on our VPN channel is just one small part of the things that we make around here so if you liked it don't forget to check out some of our other vids and hit that subscribe button
now I'm not saying that the the Gamemakers didn't have work to do to build this for everybody certainly building a multiplayer game with characters with different abilities as a difficult deal but this is not something that you know just sparks with this the creative abandon and this out of nowhere kind of revelatory we've never played games like this kind of thing this is by the numbers you know room to room clear out the bad guys find the keys unlock the doors kind of BS that we've seen a video games forever and honestly I mean Smash TV is one of the first things that you think of because it's a dual stick shooter that game was more imaginative that was funny year it was better satire than this new Ghostbusters game is and Ghostbusters that's what you know that was the main sort of key thing that I I took away from the movie it's supposed to be funny and it's also supposed to translate to the video game it's also supposed to be funny so while they're in Washington saving the free world we sit here looking at selfies of them saving the free world Hmm what's wrong with this picture and not too long ago we actually got a pretty decent Ghostbusters game i think it was Atari that published it with voice cast the original voice cast all popped back into the game and it was funny it was a great ghostbusters experience and you know it's 2016 there was a lot of money and a lot of Hope behind bringing Ghostbusters back and to have it sort of just sit there and sort of physical and not hit any of its expectations or any of the hopes and dreams that we had for this franchise is just unbelievable especially because you know that the technologies and the tools and the character types and the abilities that are have been presented in all of the Ghostbusters variations whether they've been on screen or in the cartoons or previous video games it's good fodder for making a fantastic you know modern-day 2016 video game experience with some great fidelity and some great production values and this is just too weak.
 I mean it would be an alright downloadable game at a very sort of low discount price you do get some pretty cool abilities with the proton streams and grabbing the ghost and slamming them down but the game is just so repetitive you're just doing the same kinds of things over and over again taking out the same kinds of you know sort of routine bad guys and then every once in a while you get a a boss ghost that takes a little bit more time to knock out but you knock out almost every single boss ghost whether they're mini bosses are sort of the bigger and level bosses with the same scenarios you just shoot them until their weekend enough that you can grab with the proton beam and then you rotate your right thumb stick and then you slam him down with the left trigger and ad infinitum you just do that over and over again and there are not that many levels in the game and the way that they have artificially lengthen the experiences that you have to actually reach reverse the levels over and over again so there's not that much you know Gloucester or visual sort of variety anyways it's not a great look in Game it's all over-head perspective to begin with and you have to see these things for way too long the only plus i would say about this game is that you can share this experience with other people and it's kind of mindless it's just like you know any kind of a gauntlet of experience but even gauntlet I at least had more interesting I you know sort of class types and you'll be sitting and playing the game on the same college but you feel like different characters in this game it's you know they're bigger characters are smaller characters they have shotguns they have machine guns but they all feel pretty much the same you do have the ability to power up the weapon types and power up your health and power up your speed pretty generic pretty straightforward and you can cycle between the characters only when you quit back out you can't as a single player jump between all of the characters which I think was a tremendous mistake so you if you're playing this alone which is very tedious it's gonna take a long time to power up each one of these characters to a level that makes it a little bit faster to get through I you know I was shocked i mean this should have been a much more enjoyable experience and it was it's utterly forgettable it's tedious it's not great-looking the sound ups in the comedy sort of gags that are written for the game won't make you laugh you know I know that there are unlockable skins for it Ghostbusters that we've seen on the screen but good luck having the patience to last that long to find those unlockables this game really turned me off I'm gonna give the new Ghostbusters game from Activision a 3.5 out of 10 who hey thanks for checking out that video on our VPN channel is just one small part of the things that we make around here so if you liked it don't forget to check out some of our other reviews

MXGP 2 The Official Motocross Video Game Review (2016 Motocross Game) for Windows

hey, guys what's up today we are here with my review of MXGP, to know this has been out for a few days now come out Friday last week. so I've had it for a few days have been playing a lot of career mode and you know obviously, it's not completely in-depth review.  I haven't had you not hundreds of hours of game time but I've had enough game to give my opinions and also instead of just literally giving you my opinions. I'm going ever to look at what other people are saying as well so you can get some more rounded pics. just hope you can see that the gameplay on screen. right now we're racing and is one is my first ever race on the MXGP one bikes. obviously, the faster bikes move just MXGP isn't it yet it's just different keeping that they're much faster naturally.  Think they're a lot more fun so yeah the racing around the Briton track as well as just one race we're doing in this review but, anyway let's get the view as you can see some ps4 so,
i guess it might slightly differ depending on what console your own but I'm not gonna lie guys this game is not that much different to the first game lots of people have left comments in the comment section obviously saying what is the difference between this game and the previous version obviously because the previous version was in my opinion least a pretty daze again it's quite fun and enjoyable but to be perfectly honest isn't a huge amount different in this game obviously we've gotta step up in the graphics which is definitely a good thing obviously the graphics are I'd say vastly improved but they're still not like amazing this day they are better but they're not like amazing but overall the game does feel pretty similar to the last Cameron I've been looking at other reviews and other people's opinions on this game as well and actually people are starting to say that this was a bit of a step back from the last game in terms of physics and all that sort of stuff so that you know for me I can't be much difference but for people I'm sure the plate again with more they feel that slight difference in the the physics and everything which there's this pointing it is a step back in terms of that I mean I don't plan the realistic settings are not good enough to plan the realistic settings just yet maybe one day maybe when I get a bit better at the game all our changeup too realistic settings but overall got to say that it's it's fun but it's not that much different the last game which I suppose it could be understanding obviously milestone on exactly the biggest company and if you look at some of the other series for example like me WRC when that they were making that and also MotoGP when they make that as well from year-to-year the games aren't that different they're not a massive improvement like you could say F1 games are by Codemasters,
 but I'm sure some would disagree I'm so much to the cigarette butt yes so there's not a massive improvements not massive steps up for me you know year-to-year like for example I could tell someone something like 40 which has massive massive improvements here but also on whichever each game has massive improvements but then as a much bigger company too much more money to rely on so that's something I've also does not the massive step I expected but something i have noticed which I think I should know because it gets annoying for me at least I mean I know I'm not very good Roger on this game obviously have only just got it and I need to get back into using and everything but I do find it reset you far too quickly so you got the track for like a nanosecond you already being reset and how some people find that funny and towards my gameplay at least maybe that is funny for some people but for me when i apply to get frustrated is like a bunch of another track like a millisecond and you've already sent me even give me a chance that's all you know make one mistake and get on with it I mean honestly feel there should be an option at least to turn off that this is a lot of automatic flashback. really and that resets you as quickly as possible mean ok might be best to the race but it doesn't make me learn from our mistakes really and like this thing here that was a little bit city by I reckon I could have got that just about landed I'm you know it lost a lot of time but never could have landed that but something for me at least that is a bit frustrating the constant resetting obviously better writer you know Gary set because you're not making mistakes but yes so other people and also look at the game as well people are liking that the fact it's got a few you new modes as well I haven't actually had a chance to look at them yeah i mean i have been quite busy but most of every team has been playing again emotionally career mode but few new game mode
which is good obviously when you game comes out which is probably pretty similar to last one few new game mode does really help out like nothing like champions challenge or challenge additional something and not a phone games for example but she's really tough to get around the fact that this game you know you could put them side-by-side and you know what the last game for example enemies hardly any different unless it's kind of hard to take especially when you spend mean a lot of money on against you know you know obviously a lot of people by 12 game to give but when you do you do when you make youtube videos you end up not paying for this like 10 15 games here and ask crazy but you end up paying that because you want to just make sure you make good videos and make different videos so when you end up buying a game which is so similar to the last one is disappointing and even though i am going to keep playing I do like this game i do like this game and the main thing for me with a game when it first comes out it's gonna be enjoyable and this game is enjoyable but i think it's the fact that you know it gets to a certain point you just like I could you know I could well be just playing the last game is pretty similar and it's just gonna be sticking to the career mode obviously that's gonna be pretty similar I mean just awfully to work your way up from Amex to optimize GP it's not going to be too great i mean it is a personal opinion today but i definitely would advise anyone else thinking about getting this right away you know you have a boy just yet maybe just give it a few weeks i mean i think this game is going to come down in price personally quite quickly the fact that i don't think the sales figures are going to be too great for this guy could be proven wrong but i don't think this game is gonna be a blast straight away in terms of sales so if you really want this game honestly you know you could save half the price just with my wedding a couple of weeks and you know maybe why then we'll get some new game modes or something accident the games and all be a lot better for you.

 so in my opinion this is a fun game and then there is it needs to be enjoyable and it is but the fact is so similar to the last game and you know everything just feel like it's ripped straight from the last game i know lots of the features will have changed but me at least it just feels so similar and it's it's really kind of hard to just to deal with that especially when every / hours and how much I paid out 40-44 pants for this game I mean it's gonna have some sort of improvement and the moment it doesn't feel too great but I'm hoping fingers crossed the leaks that the patches that hopefully will come in the future will make this game a lot better let's hope so at least and by the moment i still give it a good market and I'm still going to give it a six and a half out 10 is obviously similar to the last game but I'm gonna say it enjoyable and you need evidence you know you need to enjoy a game and then a day and I am enjoying the moment but 6 and off at and probably the lowest marks were actually given to a game at our first initial release but I want to be honest with you guys and that I don't think you should be binding straightaway definitely give it a couple of weeks and maybe even if you want to get into this giveaway that I'm doing on this channel description if you want to win a copy of entering by leaving a comment on my last say so yeah thank you for watching guys hope you enjoyed it hopefully

it's been somewhat helpful the next Maddie goodbye