Tuesday 8 November 2016


 hey everybody hi Mickey, oh and hey mickey guess what deep do you remember when you said that cow in Steamboat Willie I was so awesome Mickey .
Tonight can I hug you Mickey oh gosh thanks.you might think given my tendency for snark that I'm making funI'mm teasing the kids who get excited about meeting some guy in a costume but I wasn't always so jaded in fact that was a word-for-word recreation of my reaction to meeting Mickey in this game I talked to him out loud I jumped at the chance to give him a high five in fact TJ even came into the room just to see what the hell I was doing and

I'm pretty sure he was prepared to laugh at me he ended up watching smiling and talking about disneyland with me instead you'll be a pro with that camera no time that's one for the album that's how special this game is it can turn a couple of guys in their late twenties in two kids again it took TJ back to disneyland it took me back to watching Ichabod and mr. toad with my sister though it's for a younger audience than the dance Central's and the gun stringers.

 it stands with them as one of the best kinect games to date yeah on tight now this window whoa your ear flesh yeah kinect disneyland adventures is above all else appropriately titled this game is a massive interactive recreation of disneyland and in it. you have adventures but the thing that's most impressive is just how accurate this virtual Disneyland is rides are exactly where they should be here the same music you do walking around the park even the slightest details were added and the results are fantastic simply walking down Main Street USA is enough to blow you away. unfortunately, much of the game is designed around that very premise you're a child visiting the park and as you meet Disney characters you end up taking odd jobs and helping them with certain tasks early on.

Mickey ask you to get pictures with his friends so we can finish a scrapbook later you have to find Donald's hat which he understandably lost on the Matterhorn damn you and put them with a free man pre-planned there is a massive amount of stuff to do and it seems like you can interact with almost everything you see the park just feels real and connect helps bring it to life of course, it wouldn't be disneyland if there weren't rides and so the game abides kinect.

disneyland adventures turn rides like the Matterhorn and space mountain into little mini games but actually this is the weakest part of the game the minigames are two basic to really enjoy and controlling them with lukey motion doesn't really help Wow another problem is these rides take you out of the park and the park itself is the attraction kinect disneyland adventures is most magical when you're just wandering through the park bumping into your favorite characters and interacting with them.
 I'm area it's a very nice to meet such a nice young gentleman isn't it amazing here oh there's so many things we don't have under the sea - do you think you could help me find some single hoppers oh don't don't worry Ariel I I'll get you a dinglehopper oh sorry sorry this is a visit family game it's just you know I've actually come to appreciate aerial even more as I've gotten older but in truth I can say that about a lot of Disney stuff I am a huge Disney nerd and obviously being one is a prerequisite to enjoying this game.
 if you are a Disney fan or a parent looking for a great Kinect game for your kids you won't find a better one than Kinect Disneyland adventures so Ariel what do you say you and I go get a little ginger active behind space mountain but I like you I like you too war is quiet here with the rain any.

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